General family survey
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How satisfied are you with the activities offered by the school in the framework of the School Hub project (e.g. after-school activities, workshops, psycho-educational support, mediation, etc.)?

1 - not satisfied; 2 - not very satisfied; 3 - moderately satisfied; 4 - very satisfied
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Does your child seem happy about the activities in which he/she participates?

1 - not at all; 2 - not very much; 3 - quite a lot; 4 - a lot

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How satisfied are you with the activities in which your child has participated?

1 - not satisfied; 2 - not very satisfied; 3 - moderately satisfied; 4 - very satisfied

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Would you recommend the activities in which your child participated to other parents?

1 - not at all; 2 - a little; 3 - quite a lot; 4 - a lot

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Would you like the school to organise more activities in the afternoons?

1 - not at all; 2 - a little; 3 - quite a lot; 4 - a lot

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After your child has participated in the activities organised by the school, would you consider enrolling him/her in new activities outside school?

1 - not at all; 2 - a little; 3 - a lot; 4 - a lot

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If yes, which activities would you choose?

Has the School Hub project helped you to learn about local services that you were previously unaware of?

1 - not at all; 2 - a little; 3 - a lot; 4 - a lot

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If yes, which services?

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