Oracle Deck Questionnaire

Please fill out the form below to inquire about your project and schedule a discovery call.


Thank you so much for your consideration.
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Name *
Email *
Website URL: *
Is this your first deck creation? 
How many cards do you want in your deck? 
Are you self publishing or using a publisher? If you are using a publisher, which one? Have you worked with them before?
How many decks are you planning to print, where will they be sold, and are you selling locally or internationally?
Please articulate what your deck is about, the theme, and why you want to birth this deck into the world.
My deck packages and pricing are here with payment plans, which one works best for you?
Do you have a Pinterest board of inspiration for this project? This is the easiest platform for my clients to gather their vision in one place and is required to work with me. Please list the URL here:
What should people feel when they see or think of your oracle deck? If you can, summarize your answer into 5 descriptive keywords.
How far along are you in creating the copy for each card? *
What is your intention for this project? What do you want to accomplish, what do you want to feel, what is your dream? Intentions are powerful ways to call in the energy you want in your life and this project is no different. Setting an intention and sharing that with me will only amplify the energy to come forward because I want you to succeed! I also will give you a little surprise included in your package that has to do with your intention. 🙂
What colors and design styles do you feel connected to for this project? 
What is your zodiac sign(s)? 
How did you find me? (Google, Fiverr, Instagram, Referral) If Referral, please list their full name and business.
If you would like to be added to my email list please check this box. 
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