「家支援」 給你支援  你問我答


Do you have any questions about cancer?  Welcome to raise your question here!  After reviewing your question, our specialist will answer your question one by one and post it in the “SUPPORT+@Q&A" section in our mobile app and website. Welcome to visit SUPPORT+ mobile app. 😊

Please note that the information in "SUPPORT+@Q&A" is for educational purpose and reference. It does not provide any medical advice or diagnosis for any individual cases or patients.  Please consult your doctor for any medical condition that you may have.
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你想發問的癌症的迷思 ,   將會刊登於 「家支援@你問我答」 (少於100個中文字),例如:牛肉、雞肉、蝦、蟹「好毒」?

Cancer myth that you want to ask, your question will be published in "SUPPORT+@Q&A" (Less than 100 characters)

The name that you want to show in SUPPORT+ mobile app /website
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