Good Thymes Cooking Classes: January 2024
Cooking classes with step-by-step guidance from Chef Gina. Registration required at least 48hrs prior to event. If less than 48hrs, please confirm directly via email. Please note the class location will either be at RVAC or PUF. Check class details to confirm location.
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Registration Form for cooking classes
Please use this form to register for the Good Thymes Cooking Classes for January 2024 Classes are held at either River Valley Arts Center (RVAC) or Poughkeepsie Underwear Factory (PUF); please take note of location when registering.  

There are different classes available.  Recommended ages are based on experience in the kitchen. 
*Young beginner chefs are encouraged to join the class with their guardian for the Chef & Chef Jr. classes. 
*Those who have a bit of experience should register for the Chef Jr: Beginners class. All who are at least 10 years of age are welcome to join! There are two different classes focusing on either cooking (Let's Cook!) or baking (Let's Bake!) so be sure to check the planned recipe. Parents can sit in for these classes however, it is not required if child is at least 10 years old, has an interest in the kitchen and has assisted somewhat in the kitchen. 
*Adult duos are welcomed to sign up for the Date Night Out classes; that is family members, friends, co-workers, etc. Leave the kids home and bond over a new experience. Bottled water is provided, however, you are welcomed to bring a beverage of your choice.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Chef Gina prior to registering. Please be sure to select which class(es) you are registering for. If you are interested in booking a private group class (on-site, in-home, or remote), please send an email directly to to discuss scheduling.
Self or Parent/Guardian Name if chef is under 18 *
First & Last Name of person completing this form
Address of residence *
Phone Number *
Please include area code
Name of Chef #1 (please include age if under 18)  *
Name of Chef #2 (please include age if under 18) 
Does the student(s) have any allergies? Is shellfish acceptable? List below. *
What level of cooking experience does the student(s) have? *
This will aid with pre-determining the level and passion of the anticipated group of students for the class
Please describe the student's cooking experience and/or desire to learn
Is there anything else you would like for Chef Gina to know about the student?
Which class(es) are you interested in? *
MINIMUM of 4 registrations per class. Maximum 10 students per class (8 for pasta classes) due to spacing in kitchen area. You will be notified via email by Chef Gina to confirm registration or class cancelation if needed. Average class times are about 2 hours long / 3 hours for Date Night Out. Please review website for more details on the classes or email
Payment Remittance *
Pre-registration is required. If cancelation is needed, please advise 48 hours prior to start of class as a courtesy to prevent purchase of excess food. These are the payment options currently available:
Disclaimer & Safety Waiver *
All equipment use is under the supervision of the chef instructor. All knives must be used in an appropriate and professional manner; knives must stay on the cutting board until collected for cleaning between uses. Full attention during the class is required for the safety of all students and participants are expected to act in a responsible manner. If behavior becomes inappropriate, we reserve the right to remove the student from the class.  Closed-toe shoes are required in the kitchen to prevent further risk of injury. Crocs or similar loose footwear is not allowed. It is our goal to provide a professional and well enjoyed experience during each class. Please advise the instructor if any issues arise during the course of the class and allow the opportunity to remedy the problem. There are inherit risks associated with participating in cooking classes such as the use of sharp knives, hot stoves and ovens, hot oil, and operating kitchen equipment. By agreeing, you acknowledge these risks and assume the liability of damage and injury resulting from such risks. Any physical, emotional, or mental limitations should be disclosed in writing prior to the start of the class. The Customer shall indemnify, defend, and hold Personal Plates, LLC, its owner, affiliates and employees harmless (i) against any third party claim, action, suit or proceeding arising from services provided to the Client pursuant to this Agreement; and (ii) for all losses, damages, liabilities and all reasonable expenses and cost (including all legal costs) incurred by Personal Plates, LLC as a result of a judgement entered Personal Plates, LLC in any such claim, action, suit or proceeding.
COVID-19 Safety Precautions *
Please Note: Although regulations are changing frequently, Personal Plates will monitor closely and request students to follow the safety guidelines. Hand washing is required upon arrival and throughout class; masks are optional. Students are asked to remain at their stations or socially distance during discussions. Please discuss this with all registrants prior to attendance. If the students have symptoms, have been in contact with, or has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not send them in. Any balance for unused classes will remain on the account for 120 days to be used within that time. Please select agree below:
Photo Release *
I grant Personal Plates, LLC my permission to use photographs taken of dishes created during the course of instruction as well as photos of the student's progress throughout the recipe. These photos will be used for, but not limited to: publicity, copyright purposes, illustration, advertising, and web content.  Furthermore, I understand that no compensation, royalty, or fee will be made payable to me for such use. I attest I am the legal guardian if the named child is under 18 and I authorize Personal Plates, LLC to use their photographs and names. If I do not wish for the student's photo to be included in the publications, I will indicate by selecting the box below.  
Are you interested in receiving the monthly calendar of classes when it becomes available?  *
January 2024 Calendar
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