“From Crisis to Chance - training course on emergency pedagogy ” Application Form
Training course   -   12-19 May 2019   -   Lisbon, Portugal

Dear candidate,

thank you for your interest in taking part of this training course on Emergency Pedagogy , financed by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

Before you fill in this official application form, please make sure you carefully read all the information below.

Filling in this application form means that you agree with all the conditions (described in the Infosheet) and that you are willing and available not only to actively participate in the training in Lisbon (May, 12-19), but also in the follow-up phase, in which you committ to write an article with your testimony and develop at least 1 dissemination event back home.

Millions of youngsters worldwide experience situations which often leave them severely traumatized and alone. The project "From Crisis to Chance – training course on emergency pedagogy” was born from the need to equip Youth Workers with more skills for working with youngsters at-risk of developing post-stress disorders in order to help them to cope and integrate these experiences in their biography so that their natural development would not be disturbed. During a 6-days intensive residential training, participants will be introduced to traumatology and emergency pedagogy, a non confrontational, pedagogical approach that helps children and youngsters in processing their traumatic experiences. These pedagogical measures are used to provide relief or avoid possible traumatic disorders.

1. Accommodation, in Spin Hostel, in dorms of 8 people with shared wc.
Check here: www.a-spin.pt/hostel/english/
2. Training rooms: located next to Spin Hostel, inside Community Space "Espaço Comunitário Antiga Escola Rio Tejo"
3. Infosheet: http://www.a-spin.pt/?p=5465

If you have read and agreed with all the information above and in the files, you can proceed with the application.

We are very excited to host you with us in May! :)

Greetings from Lisbon,
Team Spin
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We assure you that all your personal information contained in this form will be kept in confidence, used strictly for the selection / participation purposes and not released to third parties (unless mandated by competent authorities or in an emergency situation).

This form should be completed in English exclusively. If you find it difficult to fill in this form in English, please contact your sending organization.

If you are having any technical issues, please contact us at international@a-spin.pt.
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