Statement of Commitment to Aspiring and New Subject Leaders in Secondary Maths 2022/23
The purpose of this project is to offer focused support to Aspiring secondary heads of department or those new to the role to enable them to develop as leaders of both pupil learning and teacher professional development. Participants must endeavour to attend all Work Group sessions throughout the year for their region.

There is a mixture of in person sessions and online, run in both Norfolk and Suffolk. The session dates for each region are listed below:

Norfolk - Wymondham College

Individual meeting 1: Wednesday 2nd, 9th or 16th November (A 30 minute online meeting between 2pm - 4pm on one of those days)
Wednesday 7th December , online 2pm - 4pm
Wednesday 25th January, 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Wednesday 22nd February, online 2pm - 4pm
Wednesday 15th March, 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Wednesday 26th April, online 2pm - 4pm
Individual meeting 2: Wednesday 3rd or 10th or 17th May (A 30 minute online meeting between 2pm - 4pm on one of those days)

Suffolk - Venue TBC

Individual meeting 1:  Wednesday 2nd, 9th or 16th November (A 30 minute online meeting between 2pm - 4pm on one of those days)
Wednesday 7th December, online 2pm - 4pm
Wednesday 1st February,, 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Wednesday 22nd February, online 2pm - 4pm
Wednesday 29th March, 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Wednesday 26th April, online 2pm - 4pm
Individual meeting 2: Wednesday 3rd, 10th, 17th May (A 30 minute online meeting between 2pm - 4pm on one of those days)

In order to reserve your place on the programme, please complete this form.

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Email *
School Name *
I have discussed this opportunity with my Line Manager and they understand the commitment to the Aspiring and New Subject Leaders in Secondary Maths Programme with the Maths Hub. They are happy to release the teacher(s) listed below to enable them to attend all external Work Group sessions. *
Line manager name *
Line manager contact email *
Participating teacher 1 name *
Participating teacher 1 email *
Participating teacher 1 Teacher Reference Number (TRN) *
We are eager to give teachers a variety of venues across the region for our programmes. Please indicate below if you would like your school to be considered to host this work group?
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Participating teacher 2 name
Participating teacher 2 email
Participating teacher 2 TRN
Details for any additional teachers or information
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