Since you joined, which of the following best describe how you wound up engaging with different activities? More than one answer is ok. *
Club activity, like everything else in NYC, was disrupted by the pandemic especially in 2020-2022. Which of the following best describes how you view things now? *
If I could make sure the club does ONE THING that matters to me it would be: *
Your answer
If I could change ONE THING about the club it would be: *
Your answer
Agree or disagree: I like the way the club uses social media *
My suggestions for better social media use:
Your answer
Demographics: pick one *
Male retired
Female retired
Male 40-70 (not retired)
Female 40-70 (not retired)
Male 18-39
Female 18-39
Male Under 18
Female Under 18
What do you think about the cost of club membership? *
What do you think about the cost of classes? *
Do you plan to renew your membership next year? If not please let us know about your thinking in the next question. Remember you can remain anonymous or fill in your name at the end of the survey. *
If you answered no above please let us know about your thinking.
Your answer
I want to do more stuff for the club! Please contact me! *
I especially want to help plan the club's 100th Anniversary events for 2027! Contact me!! *
Please feel free to contact me -- my name and email address are shown below!
Your answer
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