International Design in Government Community 24-hour remote conference
On 29 November 2023, we’re planning an all-day global event. We’ll have 24 sessions – so, at least 24 countries, but not more than 1 contribution per country.

The aim is to bring together colleagues from all parts of the globe – not just the Global North, and co-create the most complete overview of the state of government innovation.

As of now the theme is open – public sector service innovation. We may identify more specific themes for the day as we get contribution ideas and start to shape the agenda.

Let us know if you're interested in participating!

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Would you like updates on joining the 24-hour remote conference? *
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What’s your department? Where are you from? *
Would you like to present your work at the conference? *
If yes, what would the session be about? This can be a rough idea. 
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