Pay It Better™ - Early User Free Access Form!
Thank you so much for your support of our financial wellness movement! All of your finances, in one place. Just think of Pay It Better™ as a command center for your money! An all-in-one app that will help you rapidly reduce your debt, balance your budget and improve your credit ratings, save a bunch of money, plus, all the latest financial wellness features to automate the process. And, that's just the beginning!

We want your feedback so we can keep improving our logic and user options. Please fill out this super quick survey and let us know your thoughts (Your personal info will be anonymous but you will see overall results). 

Once completed, you are automatically pre-registered for your 6 month FREE account! **Your pre-registration and or feedback does not constitute any binding agreement, but simply a showing of interest by helping us test the Pay It Better™ Platform. **This means you get the PIB™ Money App for a full 6 months, for FREE,  just for using our app & giving us your feedback! Yep, we just did that.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Zip code
How did you hear about us?
Your age range please
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How satisfied are you with your current finances?
Not a Happy Camper
Could Be Better
Super Happy
Please select one
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Most important features you expect in a financial wellness app?
Please let us know
Not Very
Pretty Important
Customer Service
Balance Transfers
High Interest Savings
Financial Help Tools
Shopping Discounts
Bill Pay
Mobile Access
Payday Advance
Credit Score Help
Debt Reduction
Notifications To Keep You On Track
Financial Wellness
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How important is paying off your home loan?
I Don't Care
Pretty Important I Should Work On It
Really Important I Need to Get It Together
I want it gone yesterday
Please select one
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If you could pay off all of your debt with just one app, would that change your life?
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Would paying all your bills with one app be helpful?
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Finally, would you pay $15 bucks per month for an app that automatically gets you out of debt, saves you $1000's in interest, balances your budget, builds your credit, gives you access to all of your accounts, in one place & let's you pay all of your bills in one app? That, you could try for free for 30 days 1st? 
Or, are you willing to deal with the onslaught of ads in the app?
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Any additional questions or comments to help us make your new financial wellness experience better? Make sure to lock in our site! You can also reach out to us via email
Congratulations! Just click submit and you will be pre-registered for an early access PIB™ Financial Wellness Account! We'll update you as soon as we start onboarding. Thanks!
PIB™ Money Splash Vid
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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