Open Letter Calling for Investigation Into the Death of Dr. Susan Moore
We invite you to add your name to the letters below, by Dr. Mary Charlson, calling for an investigation into the death of Dr. Susan Moore and a national commission of inquiry into the care provided by Indiana University Health, to examine whether systematic racism at Indiana University Health significantly contributed to the death of Dr. Moore as well as the unnecessary deaths of other Black, Indigenous, AAPI, or Latinx patients.

To be delivered to:

Mark Chassin, MD, MPP, MPH, Chair
Ana McKee, MD
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
The full text of the JCAHO letter can be read, here:

Thomas Nasco MD
William McDade MD PhD
Bonnie Mason MD
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
The full text of the ACGME letter can be read, here:

David Skorton, MD, President and CEO
David Acosta, MD, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Association of American Medical Colleges
The full text of the AAMC letter can be read, here:

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