CUNY DHI 2021: Building a CUNY-wide Digital Humanities Community
Present your digital humanities work during a 3-minute/3-slide "lightning" talk at the virtual CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative (DHI) event on Friday, November 19, 2021, from 4:30 to 6:00 PM. You will have the option to either: 1) submit your slides and present live over Zoom or 2) send in a recording of your presentation. We encourage those who cannot attend the meeting to participate asynchronously by choosing the latter option.

We request that these slides/recording be submitted by Friday, November 12. A separate email will follow your registration with directions on how to submit your slides.

If you wish to simply attend (and not present) at the event, please fill out the relevant portions of this form, leaving the information about project submissions blank. Make sure to also indicate (at the bottom) which breakout room you wish to join for the reception.

The event will take place over Zoom.

See you there!
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Your name *
Your email *
Your CUNY Campus *
How do you wish to participate in the Lightning Talks? *
Project Title
Project URL
Would you like to present live on zoom at the event or would you prefer to send us a recording of your 3-minute/3-slide presentation?
Clear selection
Which of these types of digital projects best describes your work? *
We welcome all types of scholarship; this list is for planning purposes only.
For the reception portion of this event, participants will be joining "Breakout Rooms" based on general topics of interest. Please indicate your topics of interest below, selecting all that apply. *
How did you hear about the opportunity to participate at this event?
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