NoCoYO Rehearsal Absence Form
Please complete this form if you will be absent from one of our rehearsals or have a planned absence. We ask that you limit your non-illness absences to no more than three.
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Email *
Student First Name: *
Student Last Name: *
Student Ensemble: *
Section: *
Date of Absence: *
Are you currently quarantined by your school, doctor, or the health department? *
Are you experiencing COVID-19 Symptoms *
Which absence is this? *
More than three non-COVID related absences will result in dismissal from NoCoYO for the remainder of the semester. Quarantine, COVID Illness, Religious Observance, or School Orchestra related absences do not count towards your total.
Have you notified our Admin Assistant? *
If not, please email them at Thank you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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