Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
Welcome to registration for the Dismantling Racism Prayer Gatherings registration as we enter our Year 5 of this prayer movement. This year, we will go deeper into intercession and recommit to the important work of dismantling the sin of racism. As always, this hospitable, equitable space is grounded in trust, vulnerability, humility, and unity.
Join us in March as we welcome Deacon JJ TenClay, Missionary and Refugee Ministries Coordinator, RCA Global Mission. Her sharing on the challenges facing people on the move will prompt our time of intercession.
Everyone with a humble, open heart for prayer is welcome to join us the second Tuesday of each month in our virtual prayer room, from 1:30pm eastern, for app. 60-75 minutes. Come as you are able, we understand this is midday and some might only have a brief window to join.
This prayer movement is part of the Dismantling Racism initiative begun in June 2020 by the Rev. Dr. Denise Kingdom and her
1 Cor. 13 Project. We encourage you to review the main "3Rs" framework of "rehearse, remind and re-member" as these guide our prayer time together, as the Spirit leads.
Please fill out the form below and share this invitation with your network. All who have an open heart for prayer are warmly welcomed - lay people, pastors, ministry leaders, ecumenical friends, siblings from all walks of life and callings.
We look forward to continuing the dismantling journey together ~
The Dismantling Racism prayer planning team
Rev. Nancy Boote and Rev. Dr. Micheal Edwards, co-chairs
Questions? Contact Rev. Liz Testa at Note: The Zoom link be in the confirmation box that pops up after you submit your rsvp. A reminder will be sent prior to the meetings.