Community Survey: Fettercairn Church

The people of West Mearns Parish Church of Scotland, and particularly Fettercairn Church, have been serving the community of Fettercairn for many years and want to continue being an integral part of this wonderful community of ours for many more years to come. 

The way the Church of Scotland is working in this area will be changing in the coming years, and as part of that, we want to make sure our presence contributes to the good of our community. So, we would love to hear from you as we take a fresh look at how we can work alongside one another.

How can you help?

Please complete this survey to help influence the future look of the Church of Scotland in Fettercairn

Completing this survey online will be the quickest and easiest way to take part and for us to collate the results, but if you'd prefer a paper version, please email and we'll get a copy to you.  We really appreciate your help and input to this process.

This survey is being conducted by the Kirk Session of West Mearns Parish Church, with support from Church and Community Developer Dan Rous.  If you require any survey assistance, please contact Dan direct on

Please note that you are not required to log in to complete this survey, unless you wish to keep a copy of your responses.  Just scroll past any log in request to go to question 1. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more


Do you attend, or have you ever attended, Fettercairn Church? (Please tick)


If you do attend or have attended, what is/was it for? (Please tick any that apply)

Do you visit the Churchyard to either pay respects or for a quiet space?


Would it be helpful if the Church building was open for any of the following?

Quiet Space
Pastoral Support
Use of Toilets

Is there anything else you would like to see happening in the main Fettercairn Church building? Please provide detail

The main Fettercairn Church building may need some adaptations to make it more usable by the community and cost effective to run.  Have you any comments on what these could be?

Please give your views on the following options for the Fettercairn Church Building

Neither Agree nor Disagree
I support the consideration of adaptations to Fettercairn Church to make it more usable by the community
I support the consideration of new energy efficient adaptations to Fettercairn Church


Do you currently attend activities in the Church Hall? Please tick one


What, if any, activities do you attend/make use of?

What are your thoughts on the following activities for the Church or the Hall?

I would support this and use it
I would support this but not use it
I have no view on this
I do not support this
Basic Café / Social Space
Events and Meetings Space
Older Peoples Activities
Youth/Childrens Activities
Quiet Space

Please give your views on the following options for the Church Hall Please tick

Neither Agree nor Disagree
I support the consideration of adaptations to the Fettercairn Church Hall to make it more usable by the community
I support new energy efficient adaptations to Fettercairn Church Hall
How do you rate Fettercairn as an area to live, work, visit or be supported? *
Very Poor
Be Supported

Is there any event or activity that you would like to see happening anywhere in the village and that you would make use of?


Which of the following descriptions apply to you? (Please tick as appropriate)


We encourage everyone to take part in this survey. If you are answering on behalf of your household, family or other group please indicate the age groups your response represents.

Please tick all groups that apply, including yourself.


Do you have any of the following skills that you would be willing to offer us? (Please tick any that apply)

If you do, please also leave your contact details below.  Thank you 

If you would like more information about this survey including receiving a summary of responses, or would like to get more involved in a variety of ways, please leave your contact details here, and tick the appropriate box(es) below.  Thank you.  We will be in touch very soon.


Contact Number

Email Address

I would like....

GDPR regulations mean that if you do leave your contact details, we have to check you are happy with what happens with your data. If you have provided your contact details above, please complete as appropriate below.

If you would like to speak to someone from the church about receiving pastoral, practical or other support, please contact Rev Brian Smith on

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
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