Canada’s First Electrons Plus Massage Therapy Training Classes!
This form is designed for Massage Therapists interested in specialized training on integrating Electrons Plus into their massage treatments. We aim to work smarter, not harder and extend your massage therapy career. The first ever training class in Canada will be offered shortly. At this time we ask that you answer the following questions and we will contact you with course options and locations.
~ Michelle Francis-Smith RMT/Electrons Plus Provider
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What is your full name?
What is your email address?
What is your phone number?
How many years of experience do you have in the massage therapy field?
What types of massage do you currently offer?
What interests you about integrating Electrons Plus Guided PEMF therapy into your practice?
How did you hear about this training opportunity?
What specific skills or knowledge do you hope to gain from this training?
Are you available for training sessions on weekdays or weekends?
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What training format do you prefer?
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On a scale of 1-10, how important is continuing education for your career?
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Would you be interested in receiving updates about future training sessions?
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What is your preferred method of communication?
Do you have any additional comments or questions regarding training on Electrons Plus?
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