HSS SC - 2022 Sailing Reports
This is for Boat Reports. Note that all data can be visible for other people with a link in Agora and SC public web page, don't enter any private information. For any questions or requests please contact the HSS SC committee.

If there is major damage or you need help to fix minor damage you must contact https://chat.whatsapp.com/F8CA4yHBfGZ63TH1x5VXPY
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Date (if not today)
Which boat class? *
Boat number? *
Is there something broken? *
Description [public]:
Was there a safety related incident? (e.g. Collisions with other boats, close call with a ferry, capsize, sailor-over-board, someone getting hit by the boom, etc.)
Your name? [public] *
How can we contact you? [public]
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