2024 Nominations for AHG Board of Directors

As stewards of our organization's vision outlined in our by-laws, the Board of Directors plays a pivotal role in ensuring the AHG's financial stability and the realization of our collective objectives.

Comprising 10-12 elected representatives, the Board's responsibilities extend to advocating for members' interests and overseeing the implementation of strategic initiatives. Furthermore, our dynamic working council, consisting of dedicated members, contributes essential leadership across diverse committees and projects.

In this forthcoming election, seats are available for both Registered Herbalists and General Members, including those enrolled as Student Members. Board members will serve a term of two years, commencing on January 1, 2025, and concluding on December 31, 2026.

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Who do you nominate for the AHG Board of Directors? *
What name is your AHG membership registered under? *
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