Registration Open ML Helsinki Pilot meetup 06/04/2023

This meetup is dedicated to recommender systems and their application in the industry. The event includes presentations, discussions, and networking, and might be useful for people, who apply machine learning in industry and academia. 

Current capacity is 16 participants.

Every participant is expected to present oneself. 

The presentation time is about 3 minutes. 

It is expected to include the following bullet points: 

  • Short intro about participant’s experience.

  • Area of the biggest interest in the ML/AI

  • Areas where the participant can share knowledge and help.

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Participant Name *
Participant's e-mail *
Participant phone number *
LinkedIn profile if applicable

Short intro about participant’s experience.

Area of the biggest interest in the ML/AI
Areas where the participant can share knowledge and help.
Personal data provisioning agreement *
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