Exoclimes Application Form
We are now opening application for the 7th edition of the Exoclimes conference series, organized by the Trottier Institute for Research on Exoplanets, will take place in Montreal, Canada, on July 7–11, 2025 at the Université de Montréal, with a precursor Exoslam summer school  on July 3–5, 2025 for early-career researchers. The Exoclimes conference series is devoted to understanding substellar atmospheres and fostering valuable dialogue and collaboration between researchers studying the solar system and those investigating exoplanets. 

Over the course of the week, we will host a range of keynote review talks, out-of-field evening discussion sessions, and contributed talks, as well as poster presentation sessions. The conference covers a wide range of topics in climate studies, and we anticipate a diverse audience, from graduate students to senior faculty in astronomy and planetary sciences. In true Exoclimes fashion this is interspersed with long excursion breaks/free time/discussion time.

In keeping with the spirit of past Exoclimes meetings, the conference will host around 200 participants attending in person to encourage close interactions where all participants are hosted at the Université de Montréal for accommodation, meals, and the conference itself. We are now opening applications to participate (deadline on January 24th at 11:59 pm EST) and should this meeting be oversubscribed, the selection of participants will be done by the SOC based on your motivation to attend and contribution to the conference with the submission anonymized as much as possible.

The registration fee for Exoclimes (precise amount TBD, but < $ 1200 USD) covers an all-inclusive package, i.e., conference participation, meals, and lodging at the university residences close to the conference venue (private bedrooms with communal bathrooms). This excludes travel arrangements to Montreal.

More information about the event and past Exoclimes meetings can be found at https://exoclimes.org/.

We look forward to seeing you in Montréal next summer,
The Exoclimes VII organizing committees
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