2023 REALTOR® of the Year Award
Please submit all entries to the Association office NO LATER than 12:00 pm on Monday, October 23rd.
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Period of Consideration
October of previous year through September of the current year
Candidate Eligibility Criteria
Must hold REALTOR® membership in an Association of REALTORS® from October 1st of the previous year to September 30th of the current year, which is the qualifying period, and be a member of the Atlanta REALTORS® Association at the time of nomination.
Achievements and Contributions
The Awards Committee will use the following criteria to select the REALTOR® of the Year. The Board's nominee for REALTOR® of the Year will then be submitted to the State Association's competition for REALTOR® of the Year.

•  REALTOR® Spirit (20%) - High principles, faithfulness to regulations of the Code of Ethics and the local Association, and furtherance of principles of good real estate practice among other brokers and general public. (Past REALTOR® accomplishments should be included in this section.)
•  Civic Activity (15%) - Local, state and national level participation in civic and service clubs, charitable activities, political commissions, fraternal or religious groups, etc. (Only activities from previous October through September of the current year.)
•  Business Accomplishments (15%) - Recognized good business conduct, service to clients, imaginative and creative advertising programs, rehabilitation work, land utilization, etc. (Past professional accomplishments should be included in this section.)
•  Board Activity (20%) - Board offices and committee work, special assignments, seminar activity and educational work, membership and offices held in local Chapters of Institutes, etc. (Only activities from previous October through September of the current year)
•  State Association Activity (25%) - Offices held and committee work, attendance and participation at State Conventions, Directors' meetings, educational conferences, etc. (Only activities from previous October through September of the current year.)
•  National Association Activity (5%) - National offices held and committee work, membership and work in Institutes, attendance at National Conventions, etc. (Only activities from previous October through September of the current year.)
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