Environmental Conflicts, Social Structures and Invasive Species Control
Tuesday, June 13–Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Online and in Nantes, France

1. Surname
2. Other name(s)
3. Name as you want it to appear on badge *
4. Email address *
5. Phone number (with country code) *
6. Affiliation/physical address *
7. Occupation :
8. Events attending (check as many as apply): *
Would you like to receive information about hotel accommodations? *
Food restrictions
Other requests or accommodations:
10. Would you like to propose a 15-minute contributed talk or online poster:  *
Abstract (max 250 words)
11. To request (very limited) travel funding (Ph.D students and postdocs only):
University and department:
Dissertation topic or research interests:
Estimated transportation cost:
Estimated accommodation cost, if traveling more than 100 km:
Other sources of funding available to you:
12. Special requests or accommodations needed (note English/French interpretation will be provided):
Thank you for answering this registration form, the Nantes IEA will come back to you shortly.
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