Spy Apprentice Digital Escape Room
***The sequel is now complete and can be found at the link below***

Hello! Since we are all stuck at home for a while, let’s “escape the room” together on this spy themed mission where we take you around the world solving clues!

This escape room can be done as a group or by yourself and you can replay and/or share it as many times as you like! The clues are pretty difficult, so it is probably the most fun for groups with teens and adults. We recommend that you time yourself and see how fast you can solve all the puzzles.

If you found this on a social media app, we recommend opening this escape room in a separate web browser so you can click through to necessary links more easily.

This escape experience was created by Lauren Rura and Felicia Brock, Adult Service Librarians at Washington-Centerville Public Library in Centerville, OH. https://www.wclibrary.info/
Both Lauren and Felicia can be contacted via email at wbref@wcpl.lib.oh.us

More information about WCPL can be found on our Facebook page. Join us for virtual community movie nights, storytimes, book clubs, craft videos, and many other resources!
Washington-Centerville Public Library Page | https://www.facebook.com/wclibrary.info/

Here are the credits for the images you will see:
First, we want to thank our amazing coworkers and friends for sending us pictures they took on their trips around the world! This is how we got most of our location images.
Fake text: Made on https://ifaketextmessage.com/
All other images: Found through Google Forms Image Search, from Pixabay, or made by the Library.

We would also like to thank Sydney Krawiec from the Peters Township Public Library for her wonderful Harry Potter Digital Escape Room and online guide to help us create our own!

Are you ready for the adventure? Start your timers and click next below to begin!

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