Physical ILL Return and Lending Status
OCLC is providing support to libraries during the COVID-19 pandemic by collecting and displaying physical ILL return and lending status. If you'd like other libraries to know if your library or mail room is processing physical ILL returns and/or lending physical materials, please complete this brief form.

Do you need to amend your responses? Once you submit the form, you will receive a confirmation email that includes a link you can use to amend your responses as needed.

You can find the current spreadsheet with libraries’ up-to-date responses here:
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Participation and Privacy Policy
I understand that my library’s participation is voluntary and my responses will be shared with the ILL community to facilitate workflows during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Please note your email address will not be shared publicly but may be used for follow-up informationt, if needed). Pursuant to participation in this survey and in accordance with OCLC’s privacy policy found  at:

OCLC may collect or use data about you, such as your time zone, country of residence, email address, and any feedback you provide in the survey. Your personal data may also be associated with other identifiers such as those assigned by OCLC to identify you or technology identifiers like an IP address. OCLC will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes set out above. When we no longer need your personal data for those purposes, we will destroy, delete or erase it, or convert it into anonymous form. OCLC may disclose your personal data to any OCLC personnel who are responsible for improving our products, such as product managers and developers. OCLC uses services provided by Google for conducting surveys. For more information on how Google uses, retains, and discloses information, see its privacy policy below.

Participation Consent   *
OCLC Symbol *
Library/Institution *
Is your library or mail room accepting physical ILL returns? *
Is your library lending physical items via ILL? *
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