Model U.N. 2023-24 Registration Form
This is the Sign Up sheet for the 2020-21 M.U.N. season. Please fill out the form if you're interested in participating in the club.
電子郵件 *
First Name *
Last Name *
Student I.D. (Do not include the S) *
Grade Level *
T-Shirt Size *
Are you a face to face student or a virtual student?
I understand that by clicking submit I am agreeing to pay the club fee via schoolcash that I will be placed on the fines and fees list for non-payment. *
 I understand that the fee charged in November is for HAMUN Conference participation and not for Cy-Ranch. That's why there are two fees. *
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Google 並未認可或建立這項內容。 檢舉濫用情形 - 服務條款 - 隱私權政策