Global Spaceport Alliance Membership Form
The Global Spaceport Alliance (GSA) was formed in 2015 to provides spaceport stakeholders with the information and networking opportunities they need to develop, fund, build, and operate their facility and to integrate into the developing global spaceport network.
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Email *
GSA Membership Dues are $2,000 per year
Your Spaceport Information
Spaceport Name *
Spaceport Description
Is your Spaceport co-located with an airport? *
If "Yes," what airport?
Launch Orientation (select all that apply) *
Licensing Status *
Contact #1
Please provide the following information for your primary contact person.
First Name *
Last Name *
Title *
Affiliation *
Phone Number *
Cell Phone Number *
Email Address *
Contact #2
Please provide the following information for your secondary contact person.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
Email Address
Contact #3
Please provide the following information for your tertiary contact person.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
Email Address
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