2024 Merit Knight's Market Application
Knight's Market is an Open-Air Market / Swap Meet / Mini Boutique held at the Merit Prep Academy Parking Lot in Springville, Utah (1440 W Center St).
All vendors, food trucks, demonstrators, and creative-types are welcome to come participate and sell at our event.
We charge a small booth fee.  Everything else is profit for you, our vendors!

Knight's Market will be held from 10am-2pm on Saturday, October 12, 2024
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This is an outdoor event; you will be responsible for your own tables, chairs, shade, etc
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns
Name (First and Last) *
Business Name (if you have one) *
Email *
Phone Number *
What do you plan on selling?
     We encourage all things... we just want to make sure that there's not too many people with the same ideas...
Booth Size *
Booth Fee will need to be paid at the school or by Venmo.

Please let us know how you plan to pay so we can follow up with you as we get closer to our event
Will you need to plug anything in?  This is free of charge, but you will need to provide your own extension cords *
I consent to photography, filming, recording of my booth and products for use in advertising, marketing and social media posts *
I understand that there are no booth refunds given *
I understand that I am required to have someone responsible at my booth at all times.  Merit will not help man your booth. *
I understand that I am responsible for all payments accepted at my booth.  I may choose what type of payment is accepted, but am responsible for change (if you use cash) and receipts as requested.  Merit will not have central checkout or change at the market. *
If at any time, Merit feels that any items you are selling are inappropriate for a school function, you will be asked to remove said items from your booth.  Failure to comply will result in removal from event. *
If you have additional questions - please put them here and we'll get back to you asap!
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