College and Career Info Session with Comprehensive Youth Development

Are you interested in helping NYC youth with their plans for life after high school? In this info session, you will learn more about the mission of CYD, how we help prepare students for college and careers, and what steps you can take to become a College & Career Advisor. The location of the info session will be sent to your email, once you complete the form. Only pre-registered individuals will be allowed to participate.

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What is your full name? (first and last name) *
What is your email address? *
What is your phone number? (We will only use it to contact you about the event or potential employment opportunities) *
Are you currently looking for employment? *
Have you previously or do you currently work in secondary education or a higher ed setting? *
Have you ever worked with youth or young adults (up to age 24)? *
Can you tell us briefly about your interest in this info session? (250 words or less) *
Do you have any questions about this info session?
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