Young Physician Initiative
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Final Survey
Survey is required to receive certification and eligibility for YPI incentives, networking and experiences.
School Name *
Please select your specific school that you completed YPI sessions
Name *
Please state your first and last name
Please type your pronouns below. Ex: he/him, she/her, she/they, they/her, they/them
E-mail *
E-mail (personal if different from above)
If you entered your school e-mail above then it will be good to have your personal e-mail for future records so you can stay connected with YPI after graduation.
Phone Number
Age *
Gender *
Race *
High School or College Level when you joined YPI *
What is your current cumulative GPA? *
Is English your native language? *
Which of the following careers do you think you are most interested in? Select up to two.
How did participating in YPI change your interest in becoming a doctor? *
If your interest in becoming a doctor changed over the past year, please explain why in one or two sentences.
Why are you interested in becoming a doctor after completing YPI? *
Please select as many as applicable
Is your family supportive of you becoming a doctor? *
Please select your top 3 concerns about obstacles you face in becoming a doctor: *
How confident are you in applying for medical school in the future? *
Not confident at all
Very confident
Medical School Knowledge
What is a good college GPA for medical school?
Clear selection
How many years is medical school? *
Do you have to be a science major in college to become a doctor? *
Which is the required test to apply for medical school?
Clear selection
YPI evaluation
Have you had formal exposure to medical experiences before this program? *
Did YPI help you in understanding the process of becoming a doctor? *
Not at all
Very helpful
What activities did you like about YPI? *
Please select as many as applicable
Did the program motivate and inspire you into pursuing a career in Medicine *
Not at all
Very much
Would you recommend the program to your friends and colleagues? *
Please tell us what you enjoyed about YPI? *
Please tell us what you would change about YPI?
Next steps
What are you plans for after graduation?
Describe plans for next year and future goals? *
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