Please fill out this form to indicate your interest in participating in the virtual workshop "MSR Sample Receiving Project Science Objectives." This MSR Campaign Science Group (MCSG) sponsored workshop will be focused on discussion on finalizing the proposed science objectives and sub-objectives for the MSR Sample Receiving Project.
Workshop Information
September 11, 2024 (2 hours-virtual)
Please join the MSR Campaign Science Group for a virtual workshop to help refine the MSR Sample Receiving Project (SRP) science objectives & sub-objectives. This workshop will serve as an opportunity for the science community to provide input to the MSR science objectives and sub-objectives, as well as to help identify high-priority science investigations that may not yet have been considered by the SRPMeasurement Definition Team (MDT-1).
Review materials including the current draft of the proposed science objectives and MDT-1 investigations will be provided ~1 week before the workshop along with a link to an online feedback form. The recording of the meeting will be posted and the feedback form will remain open for several days after the workshop to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate, whether they are able to attend the workshop or not. Updates about this meeting and the link to the preparatory materials will be sent to those who have filled out this form prior to the workshop.
We look forward to your participation, and your input.