JpGU Emergency Survey on ”The impact of COVID-19 on research activities and work with Geoscientist"
JpGU emergency survey on the impact of COVID-19 on research activities and work-life balance of geoscientist [Committee for Diversity Management and Talent Pool, Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU)]
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Purpose of this survey:
The impacts of the spread of COVID-19 infection on research activities and our daily lives were tremendous. The Committee for Diversity Management and Talent Pool, Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) would like to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on JpGU members with diverse backgrounds from the perspective of diversity, equality, and inclusion.
    We further hope that we should pursue academic activities from fair policies even under severe and changeable conditions. This survey itself cannot be specified the individual reply contents, and the results will be analyzed in mass and be disclosed without individually identified. We deeply appreciate your cooperation if you can answer the questions below after you agree with the survey purpose above.
Gender *
Official Position *
Years after receiving the degree
Clear selection
Employment status *
Were there any changes in your income and expenditure during the emergency declaration period (around April-May) compared to the normal year? *
If your income decreased, what the reasons for the decline in revenue? (Free to answer)
If you chose “other, what were your specific circumstances? (Free to answer)
Questions for those who have lost income in April-May
Clear selection
Changes in research time *
Writing and submission activities of research papers *
Quality of research activity
Clear selection
If your quality of research activity improved, please answer the reason why.
What are the obstacles to your research activities during April and May? *
If you chose "other," please write your comment. What kind of obstacles did you encounter in your research?
Do you have any concerns about your research life? (More than one answer possible) *
If you chose "other," please write your comment. What were the main concerns of your research life? (Free answer)
Time spent on education *
Content and quality of education *
Free Comments on COVID-19's Educational Transformation (optional)
How does works video meeting or virtual conference for you? *
What is your April-May work style? *
If you have changed the amount of time you spend at home, please answer the following question. Please tell us how much time you spend at home from April to May. *
Work-life balance *
Would you like to work from home in the future, even in peacetime? *
Do you have sufficient information about COVID-19 from your workplace, etc.? (Multiple answers are acceptable.) *
Please describe any support you would like to request from the JpGU, workplace, schools, etc. (Free answer)
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