Request for Counseling Services
This year, PLES has two school counselors available to work with your student.  Andrea Stremmel is at PLES each day and Christina Salapata is at PLES Monday, Thursday and Friday afternoons.  If you wish to have a counselor meet with your student, please complete the form in order to communicate your concerns.  You may also call the school (410.313.6886) to speak with a counselor directly.
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Student (First and Last Name) *
Parent/Guardian (First and Last Name) *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Please identify type of counseling session: *
If you are requesting a counselor to reach out to you as the parent/guardian, what is the best way for us to reach you.  Please include phone number or email below.
Please leave a brief message about why you are requesting this meeting below.  (Example, my child is struggling with in person learning, solving problems with friends/siblings, could just use an adult to check in on them occasionally).  
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