Volunteer and Support Opportunities Survey
Whether you would like to offer your TIME, TALENT, or TREASURE, we have ways that you can make an impact on the communities we serve! Please let us know how you would like to be involved in our organization! 
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What organization are you affiliated with? This could be a civic/service organization or your place of employment. 
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List any specific activities you would be interested in helping with. If you are a professional and would like to offer your assistance in your area of expertise, please tell us more about how you would like to support our organization. 
Child abuse is a community problem that takes a community response, and we are always looking for more community members, leaders, faith-based organizations, and businesses to join our fight to end child abuse in our community. Please list any person or organization that you believe could help us with our mission:
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This form was created inside of Valley Children's Center. Report Abuse