P&D Members' Session Sign-up Form - September 2024
Please complete this form to register for September 2024's club sessions.  It can be completed any time before the start of a session. You can submit multiple forms.

If you can't make a session you've signed-up for, then please use the link in your confirmation email to change your status from 'Register' (un-check) to 'Withdraw' (check), or submit a new form with 'Withdraw' selected for that session.

Please check the club calendar carefully for the start locations and times, as they can vary through the month.

NOTE 1: Monday evening and Friday morning sessions will run from Old Penarthians Rugby Club in St. Mark's Road, Penarth.  Meet in the club bar area (evenings) or car park (mornings).

Until further notice, Wednesday evening sessions will run from the reception building at Cosmeston Lakes Country Park.

Thursday evening sessions will run from Cogan Leisure Centre.  Meet in the far corner of the car park. 

NOTE 2: The Friday morning Captains’ Run is a tempo run of around 5 miles at a minimum pace of 8:30 mile/5:15 km, with variations often included to challenge faster runners.  If you can run 5k/parkrun in 25 minutes you should be fine to try these runs.  Talk to Ross or Keira if you need more info.

NOTE 3: By signing up via this form, you're agreeing to comply with the club's session safety rules (https://penarthanddinasrunners.co.uk/club-training-information).

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First name and surname, please.
Thur. Sept. 12th (6:30pm) - 1 hr. conversational pace road run (Cogan LC)
Fri. Sept. 13th (7:00am) - Captains' Run (Old Pens. RC)
Mon. Sept. 16th (6:30pm) - Sully Terrace Loops (Old Pens. RC)
Weds. Sept. 18th (7:00pm) - 1 hr. conversational pace off-road run (Cosmeston)
Thur. Sept. 19th (6:30pm) - 1 hr. conversational pace road run (Cogan LC)
Fri. Sept. 20th (7:00am) - Captains' Run (Old Pens. RC)
Mon. Sept. 23rd (6:30pm) - Murch Crescent Tug of War (Old Pens. RC)
Weds. Sept. 25th (7:00pm) - 1 hr. conversational pace off-road run (Cosmeston)
Thur. Sept. 26th (6:30pm) - 1 hr. conversational pace road run (Cogan LC)
Fri. Sept. 27th (7:00am) - Captains' Run (Old Pens. RC)
Mon. Sept. 30th (6:30pm) - Dinas Miles (Old Pens. RC)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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