Application for Free Linked Pins on Google Maps
All clients, past and present are entitled to at least one free linked pin on our popular Google maps. Eg, our Mining Map, etc. Please complete the online application form below. If you don't see your free linked pin within a week, please contact us via

Clients who have invested over $1,000 are entitled to pins on multiple maps. In that case, we will copy your pins to more and appropriate maps. Eg A client from Perth Australia might get a pin on,,,, etc.  If you're not a client you can still get a free linked pin. All we ask is for a link your website.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name? *
What is your first and last name?
What is the EXACT STREET address of where you want your linked pin? *
We need to be able to find it on Google Maps. Alternatively you go to, zoom to your building, copy the URL, paste it into this form.
Phone number?
You phone number will be public on the pin unless you message us otherwise.
Email? *
CONFIDENTIAL. Never used for spam nor given to 3rd parties.
Which photo of yours do you want on your pin?
Copy paste below the URL of your image ending in jpg or gif or png. Recommend a size between 1,000 to 2000 pixels wide.
Which photo of yours do you want on your pin?
Copy paste below the URL of your image ending in jpg or gif or png. Recommend a size between 1,000 to 2000 pixels wide.
Do you want to learn how to create, pin, embed on your web page, share/make public, and market your own Google maps? *
Google map maker lessons $66 per hour at our office.
BRIEF message.
Eg, I've invested more than $1,000 with 4 Web Marketing in 2015 but I don't want my phone number published.
Form spam bot foil *
What is 2+3
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