Kipling Summer Camp Sign-Up
The Kipling School will be open all summer (with the exception of July 4-5) and our Summer Program will consist of three 4-week sessions as follows:
  • Summer I: June 3-June 28 - $1475.00

    • Animals and Habitats - In this session we will delve into the world of animals and their diverse habitats by exploring a variety of texts, creating themed art pieces, and more!
  • Summer III: July 1 - July 26 (closed July 4-5)  - $1475.00

    • Road Trip Across the United States - Join us as we embark on a cross-country road trip across the USA, conducting research projects, delving into nonfiction texts, and exploring our country through art.

  • Summer III: July 29-August 23  - $1475.00
    • Around the World - Come with us on a globe-trotting adventure, exploring countries, immersing ourselves in their cultures, and studying their people.

Summer hours start as early as 7:30am and as late as 6:00pm with flexible drop-off and pick-up anytime between these hours.

REGISTRATION IS OPEN AND SPACES WILL BE FILLED ON A FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS. So, please register as soon as possible to secure your spot.

Spaces will be reserved as payments are received. Register now and pay 50% of your fees to secure your child's spot with us for summer. The final 50% will be due by March 1st.

Please fill out this form indicating which summer sessions you would like to sign your child(ren) up for.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Parent's Email Address *
Parent's Name(s) *
Parent's Phone Number(s) *
Do your children currently attend The Kipling School? If not, what school do they currently attend? *
How many children are you enrolling for summer? *
Child(ren)'s Name(s) *
DOB for each child *
Child(ren)'s Current Grade Level(s) *
Which summer session(s) will your child(ren) attend? *
Kipling's Summer Program provides lunch and two snacks each day. Does your child have any food allergies or dietary restrictions? *
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