Myco event feedback
Thanks so much for taking the time to provide some feedback for our events - this makes sure we're keeping things as enjoyable and accessible as possible, as well as helps us to secure future funding.

Please feel welcome to fill in as much or as little as you want, and if you have anything you'd like to chat with us about, get in touch:
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What kind of event did you come to?
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To what extent did you feel like your access needs were met for this event?
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What worked well?
What didn't work so well?
How would you rate the event overall?
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To what extent would you agree
We'd love to know what you got out of coming to one of our events. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.
I learnt something new
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I felt more connected with nature
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My mental wellbeing improved
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Anything else you'd like to let us know: suggestions for future events, areas for improvement or just something you particularly enjoyed?
Demographic info
We've included a section to collect demographic info so we can see what kind of people we're good at reaching and what communities we need to work to reach better. None of these questions are mandatory so feel free to skip this bit if you'd prefer.
What is your age?
How would you describe your gender?
How would you describe your ethnicity?
Would you describe yourself as disabled?
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How would you describe your sexuality?
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