Matcha Computing Interest Form

We're putting the most useful features of a phone into a fun little package to make a distraction free digital sidekick.

You shouldn't have a love/hate relationship with the device you use the most.

Sign up here to receive email updates/ become a part of the early community and shape the direction of this project!

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Email *
Your Name *
What city are you based in? *
If you're close by, I might reach out to see if I can ship you early versions of the product!
Would you pay a $20 deposit to confirm your spot in the first few batches? *
You don't need to pay anything just yet, just seeing interest! The goal is for the final product to be <$200. If you believe in this product, this would be super helpful for me to confirm interest!
What's do you find the most exciting about this project/ why are you here?
Optional, but I would so love to hear from you. Making something that people really want that actually helps them is important to me!
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