Subscribe to UC Berkeley SWE K-12 Outreach Mailing List
If you would like to stay in the know about UC Berkeley Society of Women Engineers' K-12 Outreach Programs, including application announcements, workshops, and other opportunities, please subscribe to our mailing list here! 

You may unsubscribe at any time.

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
I'm signing up as a... *
What type of programs are you interested in? *
If you're interested in more than one type of program, please submit another response!
School Information
All responses are kept confidential. These questions are for us to understand where our audience is coming from.
What school are you affiliated with? *
Please format as: [School Name] [Elementary/Middle/High] School
Example: Fairmont Elementary School

If you are homeschooled, please type: Homeschooled
What school district is it located in? *
If you are homeschooled, please enter the nearest school district
State *
If your school is not located in the US, please select "International"
If you are homeschooled, select your home state.
If you are international, what country are you from?
School level *
My school is... *
If you are a K-12 educator, what is your role at the school? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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