Oak Spring Garden Tour RSVP
The amazing Oak Spring Garden Foundation has extended an offer for the Horticulture Club to come and take a tour of their walled garden, greenhouse, and cut flower garden led by Garden Manager Allissa Montgomery! This amazing opportunity will be free for club members and up to one guest, but we're only allowed to bring 15 people so RSVP ASAP to secure your spot! 

Friday, November 10th from 10 am to 1 pm

OSGF is an operating foundation dedicated to sharing the gifts and ideas of Rachel "Bunny" Mellon.  Its mission is to support and inspire fresh thinking and bold action on the history and future of plants, including the art and culture of plants, gardens, and landscapes.

The garden is located at 1776 Loughborough Ln, Upperville, VA 20184 and we can arrange carpooling if needed.

Hope to see you there!
Email *
Will you be bringing a guest with you?  *
What are the names of the people attending? *
How will you be commuting to Oak Spring Garden in Upperville, VA? *
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