SPX FACTS Billing Form for Annual Fund and Memberships for the 2024-2025 School Year 
St. Pius X has a rich culture of philanthropy whereby everyone works toward advancing the school's mission through participation and giving. As you consider the many ways to support the school, we strongly encourage you to make an Annual Fund donation first. Participation matters, and this is the single most important gift you can give St. Pius X each year.  Thank you for your generous support!
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Email *
Parent First Name *
Parent Last Name *
Street Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip: *
Your high school student's first and last name *
If you have multiple students, please list each student, separated by commas.
Your high school student's grade (if you have multiple students, please mark all that apply): *
Your middle school student's name (if applicable. If you have multiple students, please list all names):
Your high school student's Art discipline(s) - check all that apply:
Your high school student's sport(s) - check all that apply:
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