Greenways Heritage Project - Questionnaire for the greenway users
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What are greenways?
Greenways are “communication routes reserved exclusively for non-motorised journeys (by foot, bike, horse, etc.) developed in an integrated manner which enhances both the environment and quality of life of the surrounding area. These routes should meet satisfactory standards of width, gradient, and surface condition to ensure that they are both user-friendly and low -risk for users of all abilities” (Lille Declaration, 2000). Greenways are developed along past or disused communication routes like abandoned railways, towpaths, etc. and can be integrated with minor rural roads, quite roads, etc.
Greenway Heritage Project
Many greenways have outstanding UNESCO heritage sites nearby, although actually there is no joint promotion effort from which the two significant cultural resources can benefit: the greenway tourists and cultural tourists are, in fact, separate. “Greenways Heritage” is a European project that involves 8 partners from 5 countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Latvia). The general objective of the project is the “development and diversification of the European tourism offer by generating new tourism products related to heritage greenways and UNESCO cultural sites located nearby”. This is to be achieved by widely disseminating this appealing offer in order to attract more tourists and to generate an economic impact on territories which have both UNESCO sites and greenways.
The questionnaire
The aim of this questionnaire is to gather information on the users of the greenways and UNESCO sites, in order to characterize the touristic demand and estimate its economic impact. This survey will highlight the needs and the behaviour of the users and, on this basis, will allow developing the "Greenways Heritage" tourism offer, by enhancing the planning, management, and promotion of these resources as common touristic destinations.
1. What is your gender? *
2. What is your age group? *
3. What is your level of education? *
4. What is your occupational status? *
5.1 What is your Country of residence? *
5.2 What is your municipality of residence? *
5.3 What is the postal code of your municipality of residence? *
6. During the year, how often do you make the following outdoor activities? (several answers possible)
Every day or almost
Several times a week
Several times a month
Only during weekends/holidays
Only in the warm seasons
7.1.A. What are the main reasons to make these activities, during the year?
Health and exercise
Enjoying nature and landscape
Discovering cultural heritage
7.2.B. If you have selected "other", please specify the main reason to do these activities
8. How much time do you spend on these activities, during the year? (several answers possible)
Less than 30 minutes/day
30 minutes to 1 hour/day
1 to 2 hours/day
More than 2 hours/day
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