Volunteering Programme Application Form
LAWRS needs to collect personal information about you in order to process your application. This data will be retain for administrative and statistical reporting purposes for the period of two years in accordance with our Confidentiality and Data Protection Policy.  

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act, the information provided on this form will only be disclosed to those who have a legitimate reason to see it.

LAWRS would like to make you aware that you have the following rights regarding the data we are required to collect about you:

To withdraw consent;
Make a Subject Access Request;
Rectification of any incorrect information we hold about you;
Restriction of further processing of data;
Right to be forgotten where information has been provided with consent.

LAWRS’ complaint procedure offers a mechanism through which you may express your disagreement or concern regarding any data management issue.  

If you are not happy with our response to the complaint, you can contact the Supervisory Authority (ICO) at Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.

For further information, please request a copy of LAWRS’ confidentiality and data storage policy by emailing the Volunteers Coordinator volunteers@lawrs.org.uk 

A Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) enhanced check will be obtained if the volunteer role is likely to have direct access to vulnerable adults and/or children or to sensitive data on vulnerable adults and/or children, on a frequent or intensive basis. If the role is covered by the Exceptions Order 1975 to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, any spent or unspent criminal convictions will be considered when considering suitability for the role in question.  If you have been involved in a criminal activity or passed a sentence, this does not mean that you cannot become a volunteer.  

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