Arts Council of Princeton                                                                       Counselor-in-Training Application
Please fill out this form to apply for the Arts Council Counselor-in-Training program.
Application deadline is April 1, 2022
Applicants must be at least 13 years old by January 1, 2022.

Accepted applicants will go through training as a classroom assistant in the spring.

Accepted CITs will be accepted through email.

Acceptance as a CIT does not guarantee a future counselor position.

Please email with any questions.
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Email *
Best Number to Contact You
Birth Date *
Emergency Contact (Name, Relationship, & Phone Number) *
2nd Emergency Contact (Name, Relationship, & Phone Number) *
School Currently Attending
Extracurricular Activities
Experience or Training (i.e. experience working with children, CPR certification, etc.)
Any interest in art? Please let us know if you have any experience with sewing, digital arts, drawing, painting, or any other art forms!
Reference (Please include name, email, phone number, and relationship to you)
Reference (Please include name, email, phone number, and relationship to you)
Availability: CITs may be asked to work from 8am-4pm, 9-5pm, or 10-6pm for at least 2 consecutive weeks.   Please select the weeks you are available *
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