Letter to University Leadership from Concerned Faculty at Penn State 

Last week, Penn State reminded us why it needs a space that is dedicated to the production of ideas and practices aimed at ending the structural racism that plagues its own campus and the nation as a whole. The brash disregard for BIPOC voices and anti-racist protestors was a reminder of why Black faculty are leaving the institution at four times the rate of any other group and why so many students, faculty, staff, and alumni have concluded that they don’t matter to Penn State.

The university has gone back on its commitment to creating a Center for Racial Justice. This recent backsliding adds to a long list of broken promises on issues of racial justice by Penn State, going back decades. Look no further than the two-part More Rivers to Cross (Part I and Part II ) report that documents the pervasiveness of the problem; or the Village protests of 2001, a documentary of the failure of Penn State leadership to address racially-motivated death threats to a Black student. More recently, consider their embarrassing, dehumanizing response to protests by those demanding an opportunity to learn without threat to their physical or psychological well-being. Each time, Penn State promised to do better and to invest in its infrastructure. Each time, as has happened again with the events of last week, the university’s actions prove that there is no institutional commitment. One president giveth and another taketh away, as President Neeli Bendapudi has now done in the case of the Center for Racial Justice, an initiative announced by her predecessor, Eric Barron, in the heat of the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020-2021. At the time, then President Barron declared, “We must acknowledge the pain, anger and frustration that such events inflict on our community. We must recognize that Black Lives Matter and that racism, bias and religious intolerance yield an inexcusable cost to life and liberty.” Fast forward from this statement, made on June 10, 2020, to last week’s decision to halt the Center’s creation. It is merely the latest in a string of decisions illustrating an all too consistent pattern: concessions on racial justice, solemnly made in moments of crisis, are soon forgotten when the crises pass.

In the case of the ill-fated Center for Racial Justice, a search committee for a founding director had been formed and duly charged, a search firm had been hired, and committee members had been exhorted to dig deep into their Rolodexes in search of potential applicants for the job. Then, after months of toil, President Bendapudi suddenly pulled the plug. Why?

While university officials claim this decision was made in consultation with key stakeholders, the committees, staff, students, and faculty who labored to make the center happen were not consulted. Key community leadership, including the authors of More Rivers to Cross, members of the Presidential Commission, and the Penn State University Truth and Reconciliation Commission -- groups whose memberships represent all areas of the Commonwealth Campuses, alumni, and businesses – were not consulted. This is symptomatic of a decades-long history at Penn State, where the university has failed to invest in work that addresses structural inequality and the realities of structural racism on our campuses, in our community, and in the state. At a time of rising racial inequality and intensifying racial injustice, Penn State leadership has decided to turn its back on research to address and potentially positively impact the realities of racial injustice.

Disturbingly, this decision came in the wake of the “Stand Back and Stand By” event, where the notorious alt-right, Proud Boys-founding white supremacist Gavin McGinnes came to campus to perform in a “comedy show.” No less disturbing was the militarized response of state and local police, including riot squads in full armor and units on shodded horses, all of them deployed against Penn State student protesters, some of whom were also maced by Proud Boys. What is possibly most disturbing about this event, however, was the university leadership’s first and second public responses. They seem to steal a page from Trump’s “good-people-on-both-sides” speech in the wake of the Charlottesville crisis. The university blamed the protestors whose actions, it said, “furthered the visibility” of speakers espousing “abhorrent views and rhetoric.” It may have been lost on the writers/signers of this statement that the university’s faux-Solomonic, both-sides-are-to-blame assertion validates the point made by those protesting the “Stand Back and Stand By” event: they don’t matter. When, just days later, the decision to quash the Center for Racial Justice was announced, those protesting the university’s complacency in the face of racism saw yet another indication of how much they matter to the powers that be on campus.

The university has also failed to explain the president’s decision to nix the Center for Racial Justice with consistency. Initially, the university said the center was unaffordable. Following pushback and bad publicity, messaging has changed. More recent communications reveal a tentative plan to spend more on existing racial justice programs than the center would have cost. While any plan that leads to systemic antiracism reform is welcome, these messages appear inconsistent and raise further concerns. Either the university did not have the resources for the center, or they had the money all along and were going to invest it elsewhere. The current administration is employing questionable scarcity tactics with budget numbers that appear to have shifted. President Bendapudi often shares that we have nothing to worry about because she is a banker, but last week's response to the protestors and the decision to defund the racial justice center reminds us that the university needs a president. We need a credible path to enacting racial justice at Penn State.

Less than a year ago, President Bendapudi was named our university president. When she took this mantle, she became the first woman and woman of color to hold this office at Penn State. Moreover, she brought with her a personal history of diversifying leadership teams and of promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. As president of the University of Louisville she vowed, amid the Black Lives Matter protests, to make it the nation’s premier antiracist institution of higher learning. While we recognize that our new president is still fully settling into her role, and has many arduous tasks before her, we assert that the issues addressed in this document are pressing and urgent. These concerns matter too. President Bendapudi began her time with us with a listening tour. We hope she is listening now, including to her own previous statements and vows about racial justice.

1. Marinda K. Harrell-Levy, Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, Brandywine -- Former member of the search committee for the Center for Racial Justice

2. Josh Inwood, Professor of Geography, University Park -- Former member of the search committee for the Center for Racial Justice

3. Efraín Marimón, Associate Teaching Professor of Education, University Park -- Former member of the search committee for the Center for Racial Justice

4. Koraly Pérez-Edgar, Professor of Psychology, University Park -- Former member of the search committee for the Center for Racial Justice

5. Michael West, Professor of African American Studies, History, and African Studies, University Park -- Former member of the search committee for the Center for Racial Justice

6. Gary King, Professor of Biobehavioral Health, More Rivers to Cross co-author

7. Ashley Patterson, Associate Professor, CoE Curriculum & Instruction

8. Hester Blum, Professor of English, University Park

9. Jennifer Baka, Associate Professor of Geography, University Park

10. Alex Lubin, Professor, African American Studies and History

11. Marcela Borge, Associate Professor, Learning, Design, and Technology, University Park

12. John Champagne, Professor of English, Penn State Erie

13. Rebecca Tarlau, Associate Professor of Education and of Labor and Employment Relations

14. Errol A. Henderson, Associate Professor, Political Science, Author "Being Black at Penn State"

15. Paul Kellermann, Teaching Professor of English, University Park

16. Darryl C Thomas Department of African American studies

17. Kamesh Madduri, Associate Professor, College of Engineering, University Park

18. Julia Green Bryan, Professor, Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education

19. Mandisa Haarhoff, Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature

20. Lori A. Francis, Associate Professor of Biobehavioral Health, University Park 

21. Anthony C. Didlake, Jr., Associate Professor of Meteorology, University Park

22. Mildred R. Mickle, Associate Professor of English, Department of English, PSU-Greater Allegheny

23. Manuel Rosaldo, Assistant Professor, Labor and Employment Relations, University Park

24. Liliana Naydan, Associate Professor, English, Abington

25. Sarah J. Townsend, Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, University Park

26. Brenda Martinez/Student Advocacy Specialist/Office of Education & Social Equity/College of Education-UP

27. Chris Dancy, Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering, University Park

28. Emily Rosenman, Assistant Professor of Geography, University Park

29. Kofi Adu, Professor of Physics, Penn State Altoona-College

30. Raymond Najjar, Professor of Oceanography, Deparment of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science

31. Jose D. Fuentes, Professor of Atmospheric Science, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

32. Krista Brune, Associate Professor of Portuguese and Spanish, University Park

33. Julio Palma, Associate Professor, Chemistry, Penn State Fayette

34. John Peters, Assistant Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science, College of earth and mineral sciences

35. Alfonso Mejia, Associate Professor, College of Engineering, University Park

36. Eugene Clothiaux, Professor, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science

37. Nate Brown, Professor of Mathematics, University Park

38. Christopher Boxe, Associate Research Professor, Department of Geosciences/Earth + Mineral Sciences

39. Melissa Gervais, Assistant Professor, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science

40. Aliza Davner, Lecturer of English, Penn State DuBois

41. Eleonora Sartoni, Assistant Teaching Professor of Italian, Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, University Park

42. Matthew Kumjian, Associate Professor of Meteorology, Department of Meteorology & Atmospheric Science, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, University Park

43. Michael Bérubé, Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Literature, Department of English, College of the Liberal Arts, University Park

44. Rosa Eberly, Assoc Professor, CAS, UP

45. Stephen M. Fonash, Lecturer, Department of English, College of the Liberal Arts, University Park

46. Mark Anner, Professor, School of Labor and Employment Relations, University Park

47. Michelle Rodino-Colocino, Associate Professor, Media Studies, Bellisario College of Communications, UP

48. Yunji Zhang, Assistant Professor of Meteorology, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, University Park

49. Jose Soto, Associate Professor of Psychology, University Park

50. Manini Samarth, Associate Teaching Professor, Departments of English and WGSS, University Park

51. Melissa Rolls, Paul Berg Professor of Biochemistry, University Park

52. Melissa W. Wright, Professor of Geography, Professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

53. Louisa Holmes, Assistant Professor of Geography, EMS, UP

54. Jessica Henry, Associate Teaching Professor, Educational Psychology, Counselor, Special Education (EPCSE), University Park

55. Gabriela T. Richard, Assistant Professor of Learning, Design and Technology, Learning and Performance Systems, College of Education, Penn State University Park Campus

56. Heather Toomey Zimmerman, Professor of Education, Department of Learning and Performance Systems, University Park

57. Scott McDonald, Professor of Science Education, Curriculum and Instruction, UP

58. Mildred Boveda, Associate Professor, Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education

59. Linda Wray, Associate Professor, Biobehavioral Health, College of Health and Human Development

60. Charlotte Land, Assistant Professor of Education, Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education, University Park

61. Erica Frankenberg, Professor, education policy studies

62. Paul Markowski, Distinguished Professor of Meteorology, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, University Park

63. Allison Henward, associate professor, Early Childhood Education, University Park

64. Natasha Miles, Associate Research Professor, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, University Park

65. David Stensrud, Professor and Head, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, University Park

66. Gilberto Conchas, Professor, Education Policy Studies, University Park

67. Kevin Bowley, Assistant Teaching Professor, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, University Park

68. Tanner Vea, Assistant Professor, Learning and Performance Systems, College of Education, University Park

69. Andrea McCloskey, Assoc. Prof., Curriculum& Instruction/ Education/UP

70. Karly Ford, Associate Professor, Education Policy Studies, University Park

71. Alexandra List, Associate Professor, Educational Psychology, College of Education, University Park

72. Brian King, Professor of Geography, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

73. Anne Elrod Whitney, Professor of Education, Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

74. Mark Kissling, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, UP

75. Cameron Richardson, Assistant Research Professor, Social Science Research Institute

76. Rebekah Dawson, Associate Professor, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Eberly College of Science, University Park

77. Kathleen M. Collins Associate Professor College of Education UP

78. Xingchao Chen, Assistant Professor of Meteorology, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, University Park

79. Lorraine Dowler, Professor of Geography, University Park

80. Trevor Birkenholtz, Associate Professor, Geography/EMS/University Park

81. Janice A. Byrd, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education, University Park

82. Santhosh Girirajan, Associate Professor of Genomics, University Park

83. Zoubeida Ounaies, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, UP

84. Carol Evans, Lecturer, Biology, Fayette Campus

85. Jacquelyn Huff, Assistant Teaching Professor, College of Engineering, University Park

86. Julio Urbina, Associate Professor, College of Engineering, University Park

87. Phillip Zapkin, Assistant Teaching Professor, English, University Park

88. Kelly Lombardo, Associate Professor, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science/EMS/University Park

89. Tim Kane, Professor, EE/CoE/UP

90. Jamie Lee Andreson, Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of History

91. Matthew Kelly, Assistant Professor, Education Policy Studies, College of Education, University Park

92. Jill M. Wood, Teaching Professor, Dept of WGSS

93. William Brune, Distinguished Professor of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, College of Earth and Mineral Science, University Park

94. Nan Elizabeth Woodruff. Emerita Professor. African American Studies and Modern US History

95. Luciana Aronne Associate Teaching Professor of Chemistry Penn State Behrend

96.Justine Lindemann, Assistant Professor of Community Development and Resilience, AESE, College of Agricultural Sciences

97. Elizabeth Smolcic, Teaching Professor of Education, Curriculum & Instruction, University Park

98. Diane Henderson, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Eberly College of Science University Park

99. David Gamson, Professor, Department of Education Policy Studies, UP

100. Katharine Donnelly Adams, Assistant Teaching Professor, Psychology, CLA, University Park

101. Aiesha Lee, Assistant Professor, University Park, College of Education, Department of Educational Psychology Counseling and Special Education

102. Aaron Campbell, Assistant Professor Of Special Education, Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education, University Park

103. Jennifer Macalady, Professor of Geosciences, University Park

104. Reg Adams, Professor of Psychology, CLA, UP

105. Carter Hunt, Associate Professor of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management, and Anthropology

106. Jocelyn Anderson, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, University Park

107. Tom Richard, Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, College of Agricultural Sciences

108. Marsha E. Modeste, Associate Professor of Education (Education Leadership), Education Policy Studies, University Park

109. Jes Matsick, Assistant Professor, Psychology and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University Park

110. Ibrahim Moustafa, Assistant Research Professor, BMB, University Park

111. Evan Bradley, Associate Professor of Psychology & Linguistics, Penn State Brandywine

112. Jochebed Gayles, Assistant Research Professor, Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center

113. Heather Karsten, Associate Professor, Dept. of Plant Science, College of Agricultural Sciences

114. DeMarcus A. Jenkins, Assistant Professor of Education Leadership (Department of Education Policy Studies), University Park

115. Kamaria B. Porter, Assistant Professor, Education Policy Studies, UP

116. Moriah Szpara, Associate Professor, Biology and Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Eberly College of Science, University Park

117. Lydia Ocasio-Stoutenburg, Assistant Professor of Special Education, Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education, University Park

118. Suvrath Mahadevan, Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University Park

119. Arthur T. Matthews, Teaching Professor Labor and Employment Relations

120. Wilson K. Okello, Assistant Professor, Education Policy Studies, University Park

121. Carol Baker, Associate Research Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University Park

122. Jeanine Staples, Professor of Literacy and Language, African American Studies, and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, CoE, University Park

123. Thomas Beebee, Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Comparative Literature and German, UP

124. Elizabeth Prosek, Associate Professor / Educational Psychology, Counseling, Special Education / College of Education / University Park

125. Francesca Lopez, Professor and Waterbury Chair of Equity Pedagogy, College of Education, University Park

126. Ty Hollett, Associate Professor, Department of Learning and Performance Systems, College of Education, University Park

127. Stephanie Schroeder, Assistant Professor, Curriculum & Instruction, UP

128. Alicia Dowd, Professor of Education, College of Education

129. Jack W. Langelaan, Professor of Aerospace Engineering, University Park

130. Sujeong Park, Assistant Professor, Health Administration, School of Public Affairs, Harrisburg

131. Gib Prettyman, Associate Professor of English, Fayette Campus

132. Gregory S. Jenkins, Professor, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, EMS, University Park

133. Deirdre O’Sullivan Associate Professor EPCSE, UP

134. Aldon Nielsen, Professor of English, University Park

135. Gail Boldt, Distinguished Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, University Park Campus

136. Leticia Oseguera, Professor of Education, College of Education, University Park

137. Margarita M. López-Uribe, Associate Professor, Department of Entomology, College of Agricultural Sciences, University Park

138. Mary Ann Bruns, Professor, Dept of Ecosystem Science and Management, College of Agricultural Sciences

139. Emily Bell, Associate Research Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

140. Christine McDonald- Faculty- Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education UP

141. Enrique Gomez, Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, UP

142. Eric Nacsa, Assistant Professor of Chemistry

143. Donghui Jeong, Associate Professor, Eberly College of Science, University Park

144. Hollie Kulago, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

145. Carla Zembal-Saul, Department Head, Curriculum & Instruction

146. Anna Kaiper-Marquez, Associate Director and Assistant Teaching Professor, Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy and the Goodling Institute for Research in Family Literacy

147. Colin Zarzycki, Assistant Professor of Meteorology and Climate Dynamics, University Park

148. Camelia Kantor, Associate Research Professor, UP

149. Kristen Nadermann, Herr Clinic Coordinator, EPCSE, College of Education

150. James Tutt, Associate Research Professor, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Eberly College of Science, University Park

151. Magali Armillas-Tiseyra, Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Literature (University Park)

152. Julia Kregenow, Teaching Professor, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Eberly College of Science, UP

153. Elizabeth Mazur,m Professor Psychology, Penn State Greater Allegheny

154. Allain Daigle, Instructional Designer, Penn State Fayette/Penn State Greater Allegheny

155. Fabien Grisé, Associate Research Professor, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Eberly College of Science, University Park

156. Helen Greatrex, Assistant Professor Geography and Statistics & ICDS cohire, EMS and ECOS, University Park

157. Emma Teitelman, Assistant Research Professor of History

158. Johnathan White, Associate Teaching Professor, History, Penn State Greater Allegheny

159. LaWanda Ward, Assistant Professor of Higher Education, Education Policy Studies, College of Education, University Park

160. Daniel Susser, Assistant Professor, College of Information Sciences & Technology

161. Mary Barbercheck, Professor, Department of Entomology, COAS, University Park

162. Laifang Li, Assistant Professor, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, University Park

163. Sophia A. McClennen, Director of the Center for Global Studies. Professor of International Affairs and Comparative Literature, The School of International Affairs, University Park

164. Meg Handley, Associate Teaching Professor, School of Engineering Design, Technology, & Professional Programs, College of Engineering

165. Abderrahim Ouarghidi, Assistant Teaching Professor, African Studies and Anthropology, University Park

166. Erika Machtinger, Assistant Professor, COAS

167. Christopher Zorn, Liberal Arts Professor of Political Science

168. Chris E. Forest, Professor of Climate Dynamics, Depts. Meteorology and Atmospheric Science & Geosciences/Earth and Mineral Sciences,Earth and Environmental Systems Institute/University Park

169. Christopher Robinson, BSW Program Director/Assistant Professor, Social Work, Penn State Greater Allegheny

170. Barbara Rolls, Guthrie Chair in Nutrition, HHD, University Park

171. Lucy McClain, Assistant Teaching Professor, Shaver's Creek Environmental Center

172. Henock Louis, Department Head, Accounting

173. V. Ashley Villar, Assistant Professor, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Eberly College of Science, University Park

174. Kelli Hoover, Professor of Entomology

175. Sukyoung Lee, Distinguished Professor, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science

176. Kimberly Powell, Professor, College of Education and College of Arts & Architecture, University Park

177. Kim Van Meter, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University Park

178. Michelle Gordon, Professor, University College

179. Elizabeth Hajek, Associate Professor of Geosciences, University Park

180. Zack Furness, Associate Professor of Communications, Penn State Greater Allegheny

181. Maria Lewis, Associate Professor, Education Policy Studies, College of Education, University Park

182. Squire Booker, Evan Pugh Professor of Chemistry and of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

183. Tim Bralower, Teaching Professor, Department of Geosciences, EMS

184. Gabeba Baderoon, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, African Studies and Comparative Literature, University Park

185. Asher Rosinger, Assistant Professor of Biobehavioral Health and Anthropology, College of Health and Human Development, UP

186. Rachel Wolkenhauer, Associate Professor of Education, Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, University Park

187. Kelly Rosinger, Associate Professor, Education Policy Studies, College of Education, University Park

188. Amy Snipes, Associate Professor of Biobehavioral Health, University Park

189. Kennedy Morrison, Program Coordinator, Eberly College of Science Office of Diversity & Inclusion, University Park

190. Ed Fuller, Associate Professor, College of Education, University Park

191. Leland Glenna, Professor, ASES/College of Agricultural Sciences/University Park

192. Esther Prins, Professor of Education, Lifelong Learning and Adult Education Program, UP

193. Rishi Krishnamoorthy, Assistant Professor, College of Education

194. Ian Czekala, Assistant Professor, Astronomy and Astrophysics, University Park

195. Tim Jegla, Associate Professor, Biology, ECoS, University Park

196. Marie Cross, Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Biobehavioral Health, University Park

197. Brian Redmond, Teaching Professor, College of the Liberal Arts, World Campus

198. Erin Heidt-Forsythe, Associate Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Political Science, Associate Director of the Rock Ethics Institute

199. Julie States, Assistant Teaching Professor, Biobehavioral Health, University Park

200. Kai Schafft, Professor of Education and Rural Sociology, Department of Education Policy Studies, College of Education, University Park

201. Nina Lauharatanahirun, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering & Biobehavioral Health, University Park

202. Mary Bellman, Associate Teaching Professor, Labor and Employment Relations, University Park

203. Peter Wilf, Professor, Department of Geosciences, University Park

204. Carolee Bull, Professor and Head, Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology, College of Agricultural Sciences

205. Carlomagno Panlilio, Assistant Professor, EPCSE Dept., College of Education

206. Semih Eser, Professor of Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering

207. Joshua Rosenberger, Assistant Professor, Department of Biobehavioral Health, University Park

208. Joel Leja, Assistant Professor, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics

209. Elsa Sánchez, Professor, Plant Science, COAS, University Park

210. Arash Dahi, Professor, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, EMS

211. Fran Arbaugh, Professor, Curriculum & Instruction, UP

212. Bradley Cardinale, Professor and Head, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management

213. Sara Hermann, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, College of Ag, University Park

214. Amy Crosson, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, UP

215. Eugene Morgan, Associate Head of Undergraduate Eduction, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, EMS

216. Lori Hepner, Professor of Integrative Arts, Penn State Greater Allegheny

217. Jennifer Wagner, Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, University Park

218. Cheryl Sterling, Associate Professor, English and African Studies

219. John D. Holst, Associate Professor, Lifelong Learning and Adult Education, University Park

220. Katherine Maich, Assistant Professor of Labor and Employment Relations & WGSS, University Park

221. Hannah Wiseman, Professor, Penn State Law; Wilson Faculty Fellow, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

222. Matt Tierney, Associate Professor of English, University Park

223. Kathryn Brasier, Professor of Rural Sociology, College of Ag Sciences, University Park

224. Michael Mashtare, Assistant Professor, Ag and Biological Engineering, University Park

225. Steven Landry, Professor and Head, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, UP

226. Clare Hinrichs, Professor, Rural Sociology, College of Agricultural Sciences

227. Andrew Hieronymi Associate Professor of Art

228. Gary Felton, Professor & Head, Department of Entomology, CoAS, UP

229. Michele Rossi, Associate Teaching Professor of Italian, University Park

230. Sasha Coles, Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of History, University Park

231. Rob Turrisi, Professor, Department of Biobehavioral Health

232. Ronnie Hsia, Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of History

233. Joe Wright, Professor, Political Science, UP

234. John Gershenson, Director, HESE

235. Joel R. Landry, Assistant Professor of Environmental and Energy Economics, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, University Park

236. David Almeida, Professor HDFS, HHD, UP

237. Valerie Mendez-Gallardo, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Penn State Brandywine

238. Jeremy Staff, Professor of Sociology and Criminology, University Park

239. Kevin Bell, Associate Professor of English, co-author of More Rivers to Cross, pt. 2

240. Jen Agans, Assistant Professor, RPTM, University Park

241. Steven Rubin, Professor of Art, School of Visual Arts, University Park

242. Freyca Calderon, Assistant Professor, Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Penn State Altoona

243. Lori Miraldi, Associate Teaching Professor, College of Engineering, UP

244. Laurie Urraro, Assistant Teaching Professor, Spanish, Penn State Erie

245. Robert Freeborn, Associate Librarian, Cataloging & Metatdata Services, University Libraries

246. Aparna Parikh, Assistant Teaching Professor, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Asian Studies, University Park

247. Liana Glew, Prison Education Program Manager, Restorative Justice Initiative, UP

248. Dena Lang, Associate Teaching Professor, SEDTAPP,/College of Engineering/University Park

249. Raeven Chandler, Assistant Research Professor, Pennsylvania Population Network

250. Karyn McKinney Marvasti, Associate Professor of Sociology, Altoona, Member of the University Senate “More Rivers to Cross” Task Force

251. Camille-Yvette Welsch, Teaching Professor of English, English Department, University Park

252. David Loewenstein, Professor of English, University Park

253. Kristin Buss, Professor of Psychology, University Park

254. Carolyn Lowry, Assistant Professor, Plant Science Department, College of Agricultural Sciences

255. Willie Ofosu, Professor of Engineering, Wilkes-Barre

256. John Minbiole, Assistant Teaching Professor, Commuication Arts ad Sciences, Liberal Arts, UP

257. Michael Skvarla, Assistant Research Professor, Department of Entomology, University Park

258. David J. Vanness, Professor of Health Policy and Administration, University Park

259. Kate Rosenberg, Assistant Teaching Professor of English, UP

260. Andrea Miller, Assistant Professor, Telecommunications and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University Park

261. Laura Weyrich, Associate Professor, Anthropology

262. Sara Luttfring, Associate Professor of English, Behrend

263. Manuel Llinás, Distinguished Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and of Chemistry

264. Kelley Cotter, Assistant Professor, College of IST, University Park

265. Bronwen Powell, Associate Prof of Geography, African Studies and Anthropology

266. Amy Voss Farris, Assistant Professor, Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education, UP

267. Michael Kulikowski, Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of History and Classics, University Park

268. Douglas Bird, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Liberal Arts, UP

269. Thomas Lynn, Associate Professor of English, Penn State Berks

270. lonnie graham professor visual art school of visual art university park pa

271. Peter Crabb, Professor of Psychology, University College, Hazleton

272. John Mauro, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

273. Marissa Nicosia, Associate Professor of Renaissance Literature, Penn State Abington

274. Maureen Feineman, Associate Research Professor, Geosciences

275. Rachel Smith, Professor, CAS- Liberal Arts and HDFS-HHD, UP

276. Maria Herrmann, Associate Research Professor, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, University Park

277. Sara Liao, assistant professor, Bellisario College of Communications

278. Xiangquan Yao, Associate Professor of Education, Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, University Park

279. Heather Randell, Assistant Professor of Rural Sociology, College of Agricultural Sciences, University Park

280. Robin Redmon Wright, Assoc. Prof of Lifelong Learning and Adult Education, BSED, Harrisburg

281. Antonio Vallone, associate professor, English (Penn State DuBois)

282. Jeff Tolbert, Assistant Professor of American Studies and Folklore, Penn State Harrisburg

283. Janet Neigh, Associate Professor of English, Behrend

284. Jessica Vantine Birkenholtz, Associate Professor, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Asian Studies, University Park

285. Joe Gyekis, Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Biobehavioral Health, University Park

286. Shelby Fleischer, Emeritus Professor, Department of Entomology, University Park

287. Christopher Engeland, Associate Professor, Biobehavioral Health

288. Laureen Teti, Associate Research Professor, Psychology, University Park

289. Amy Sauertieg, Assistant Teaching Professor of Communications, Harrisburg

290. Lynette Yarger, Professor, College of Information Sciences and Technology

291. Jacob Lee, Assistant Professor of History, University Park

292. Susan L. Brantley, Evan Pugh University Prof and Barnes Prof of Geosciences, Dept Geosciences, EMS, Univ Park

293. Julia Spicher Kasdorf, Liberal Arts Professor, English, UP

294. James Berkey, Associate Professor, English, Brandywine

295. Judith Sierra-Rivera, Associate Professor of Spanish, Latina/o Studies, and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University Park

296. Jesse Lasky, Associate Professor, Biology, University Park

297. Dan Letwin, Associate Professor of History, Liberal Arts, University Park

298. Gretchen Kuldau, Associate Professor, Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology

299. Jennifer Zosh, Professor of HDFS, Brandywine

300. Patricia Hillen, Associate Teaching Professor of English, English, Brandywine

301. Carsten Krebs, Professor of Chemistry and of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Eberly College of Science, UP

302. Allison Beese, Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, UP

303. Sharon Ann Holt, Associate teaching Professor, History/Abington

304. Terri Vescio, Professor of Psychology and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

305. Greg Loviscky, Teaching Professor of Psychology, Psychology/LA/UP

306. Laura Evans, Associate Teaching Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, Brandywine

307. Charlotte Eubanks, Professor of Comparative Literature and Asian Studies, Penn State University Park

308. Katheryn Penrod, Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department/Eberly College of Science/University Park

309. Emily Hohman, Asst. Research Professor, Center for Childhood Obesity Research, College of Health and Human Development, UP

310. Nergis Erturk, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, Liberal Arts, UP

311. Ben Goldman, Associate Librarian, University Libraries

312. Jonathan Daw, Associate Professor of Sociology and Demography, University Park

313. Adri van Duin, Distinguished Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University Park

314. Joy Krumenacker, Assistant Professor of Psychology, New Kensington

315. Frederique Marty, Assistant Teaching Professor of French, Erie

316. Corina Graif, Associate Professor, Sociology and Criminology, UP

317. Maureen Fielding, Associate Professor of English and Women's Studies, University College, Brandywine

318. Jonathan Eburne, Professor of Comparative Literature, English, and French and Francophone Studies, University Park

319. Jose A. Jimenez, Associate Professor, Mathematics, Hazleton Campus

320. Li Li, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University Park

321. John Tooker, Professor of Entomology, Department of Entomology, College of Agricultural Sciences, University Park

322. Dana Naughton, Associate Teaching Professor, BBH University Park

323. Sarah Rajtmajer, Assistant Professor, College of Information Sciences and Technology

324. Sarah Damaske, Professor of Sociology, Labor and Employment Relations, and Women’s Studies

325. Rodrigo Cardenas, Associate Teaching Professor, Psychology, University Park

326. Eric Handley, Assistant Teaching Professor, Recreation, Pasrk and Tourism Management/University Park

327. Mark Shriver, Professor of Anthropology UP Liberal Arts

328. Kristen Goessling, Associate Professor, HDFS, Brandywine

329. Sophie Claudine De Schaepdrijver, Ferree Professor of Modern European History, University Park

330. Patricia Jabbeh Wesley, Professor of English, Altoona campus

331. Oliver Baker, Assistant Professor of English and African American Studies, Liberal Arts, UP

332. Anthony B. Mitchell, Sr., Associate Teaching Professor, African American Studies, Greater Allegheny

333. Grace Lee-Amuzie, Assistant Teaching Professor/ Arts & Humanities/ Abington

334. Will Hancock, Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Chemistry, UP, COE

335. Ana Matkovic, Teaching Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University Park

336. Melvin Gupton, Assistant Teaching Professor, Arts and Humanities, Abington College

337. Jennifer Glick, Professor of Sociology & Demography, LA, University Park

338. Jennifer Maggs, Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, UP

339. David Vandenbergh, Professor, Biobehavioral Health, HHD, University Park

340. Eric Claus, Associate Professor, Biobehavioral Health, College of Health and Human Development, University Park

341. Eduardo Mendieta, Professor of Philosophy and Latino/a Studies, University Park

342. Gayle Sutterlin, Assistant Teaching Professor, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University Park

343. Spencer Szczesny, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, University Park

344. Odaliz Ortiz, Administrative Coordinator, Office of Education and Social Equity/College of Education/University Park

345. Michele Kennerly, Assoc Prof, CAS and CAMS, UP

346. Jo Dumas, Associate Teaching Professor, Media Studies, University Park

347. Daniel Mansson, Associate Professor of Communication Arts & Sciences, Penn State Hazleton

348. Danielle Rhubart, Assistant Professor, Biobehavioral Health, College of Health and Human Development, University Park 

349. John Asbury, Professor of Chemistry, University Park

350. Michelle Knotts, Assistant Teaching Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

351. Brittany Aronson, Associate Professor of Teacher Education, Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction, University Park

352. Alyssa Gamaldo, Associate Professor, HDFS in HHD at UP

353. Kristopher Struckmeyer, Assistant Teaching Professor, Human Development & Family Studies, University Park

354. Michael Sturm, Assistant Teaching Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, Brandywine

355. Gary Calore/Associate Professor of Philosophy/Abington

356. Paula Smith, Associate Librarian, Emerita, Abington

357. Andrea Adolph, Associate Professor of English and WGSS, New Kensington

358. David Boehr, Associate Professor, Chemistry/ECoS/University Park

359. Nicolás Sacco, Assistant Teaching Professor, Sociology and Demography, University Park

360. Léa Pessin, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Demography, Department of Sociology and Criminology, University Park

361. Annahieta Kalantari, DO, Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, PSUCOM Hershey

362. Daryl Cameron, Associate Professor in Psychology and Senior Research Associate in Rock Ethics Institute, University Park

363. Peter Kareithi, Associate Professor of Humanities and Communications, Harrisburg

364. Valerie Braman, Assistant Clinical Professor of Labor and Employment Relations, UP

365. Sarah Myruski, Assistant Research Professor of Psychology, University Park

366. Erick Rochette, Assistant Teaching Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, University Park

367. Constance Kossan, Associate Teaching Professor of CSD/CHHD/UP

368. Ricardo Martinez, Assistant Professor, College of Education, Curriculum & Instruction

369. Ross Pifer, Clinical Professor of Law, Penn State Law, University Park

370. Constantino Lagoa, Professor, Electrical Engineering, UP

371. Jonte (JT) Taylor, Associate Professor, Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education / College of Education/ University Park

372. Katie Kostohryz, Associate Teaching Professor, Educational Psychology, Counselor, Special Education (EPCSE), University Park

373. Joseph Cusumano, Professor, Engineering Science & Mechanics, UP

374. Carmen Vanderhoof, Assistant Teaching Professor, College of Education, UP

375. Molly Countermine, Associate Teaching Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, UP

376. Sandra H. Petrulionis, Distinguished Professor of English and American Studies, Altoona

377. Aparna Joshi, Professor of Management, Smeal College of Business, UP

378. Angelique Aitken, Assistant Professor, Special Education

379. Julia Plummer, Professor of Science Education, Curriculum & Instruction, UP

380. Brian Lennon, Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University Park

381. Aris Karagiorgakis, Assistant Teaching Prof of Psychology, FE

382. Mort Webster, Professor of Energy Engineering, Energy and Mineral Engineering, EMS, UP

383. Sheridan Miyamoto, Associate Professor, College of Nursing, UP

384. Marc McCann, Assistant Teaching Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, UP

385. Susanne M. Klausen, Brill Professor of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Department of WGSS, University Park

386. Jason Rasgon, Dorothy Foehr Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Chair of Disease Epidemiology and Biotechnology, Entomology, UP

387. James Endres Howell, Associate Teaching Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University Park 

388. Andrea P. Argüelles, Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, UP

389. Ashley Linden-Carmichael, Associate Research Professor, Prevention Research Center, Health and Human Development, University Park

390. Sarah Chilenski, Research Associate Professor, Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center

391. Mike Eracleous, professor, Astronomy & Astrophysics, UP

392. Beatriz Glick, Teaching Professor of Spanish, Hazleton

393. Kimberly Lyle, Assistant Teaching Professor, School of Visual Arts/College of Arts & Architecture

394. Ola Sodeinde, Teaching Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University Park

395. Angela Putman, Associate Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences, Brandywine

396. Jason Keagy, Assistant Research Professor, Ecosystem Science and Management, University Park

397. Orfeu Buxton, Professor of Biobehavioral Health, College of Health and Human Development, University Park

398. Neil Hatfield, Assistant Research Professor, Statistics, Eberly College of Science

399. Carlos Zalaquett, Professor, EPCSE, College of Education, University Park

400. Alexis R. Santos, Assistant Professor of HDFS, College of Health and Human Development, University Park

401. John Felt, Assistant Research Professor, Center for Healthy Aging

402. Heidemarie Laurent, Associate Professor of HDFS, College of Health and Human Development

403. Christian M. Connell, Associate Professor of HDFS, College of Health and Human Development, University Park

404. Richard Fiene, Professor of Psychology & Human Development (ret), Prevention Research Center, UP

405. Damon Jones, Associate Research Professor, Prevention Research Center, Health and Human Development, University Park

406. Tiffany M. Nyachae, Assistant Professor of Education and Women's,Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, University Park

407. Lisa Gatzke-Kopp, Professor, Human Development & Family Studies

408. Calvin Norman, Assistant Teaching Professor of Forestry, Ecosystem Sciences and Management, College of Agriculture, University Park

409. Karen Keifer-Boyd, Professor of Art Education & Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies

410. Eric Bliman, Assistant Teaching Professor of English & Creative Writing, Penn State Harrisburg

411. Saeed Abdullah, Assistant Professor, College of Information Sciences and Technology

412. Jesse L Barlow, Professor, Computer Science and Engineering/Engineering/University Park

413. Alicia McDyre, Associate teaching professor, Curriculum and Instruction, Education, UP

414. Sascha Meinrath, Palmer Chair in Telecommunications, College of Communications, University Park

415. Ying Pan, Assistant Professor, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science

416. Ed Fuller, Associate Professor, Education Policy Studies, University Park

417. Marcy Mihomme, Associate Teaching Professor, Communication Arts and Sciences

418. Alexander Pratt, assistant professor, elementary and early childhood education, Altoona campus

419. Robert Hickey, Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, EMS, UP

420. Gregg Rogers, Associate Teaching Professor, English, LA, UP

421. Uday Shanbhag, Professor, Industrial engineering, College of engineering, University Park

422. Catherine Berdanier, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, UP

423. Jamie Watson, Assistant Teaching Professor, English, UP

424. Shannon Corkery, Associate Teaching Professor, HHD, UP/WC

425. Jo Ann Jankoski, Associate Professor, HDFS, Fayette

426. Rob Roeser, Professor, HDFS, UP

427. Jonathan Kuo, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Eberly College of Science, UP
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