WV Child Tax Credit Success Stories
The Child Tax Credit is helping families across West Virginia better care for their needs. We're able to fill our freezers and our cupboards. We're buying new tires and getting our vehicles legal and safe for the road. We're buying school clothes and paying bills. Members of Congress don't understand how this money is making a positive difference in the lives of West Virginians, and we want it made permanent for West Virginia families. Please share below how these CTC payments are helping your family. Let's rattle some windows until the Child Tax Credit expansion is made permanent by Congress!
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Please share with Rattle The Windows how the Child Tax Credit Payments are helping your family. Have you purchased food? Paid bills? Moved? We want to hear how this benefit has helped you so we can show Congress that investing in our families is crucial.
Note, by sharing your story here, you are giving Rattle The Windows permission to use your story as part of the campaign to get the permanent expansion of the Child Tax Credit passed through legislation. We will follow up with you about your story in the near future. Do you give permission to Rattle The Windows and campaign partners to use your story or comment? *
Can we use your name with your story? *
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