CHS Official Transcript Request
This form is for current students or students who need an official transcript, which are signed and sealed, sent to a post-grad program (such as a college, university, trade school, scholarship, etc.). 

If you need an unofficial transcript, you may access one through StudentVue and ParentVue. 

Therefore, only fill out this form if you need an official transcript.

Please note that official transcript requests will only be processed on Wednesdays and Fridays.

**If you are a graduate prior to Class of 2023 refer to the 'Past Graduates Form'.
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Legal Last Name, Legal First Name (Ex. Eagle, Elmer) *
Student ID Number *
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) *
Graduation Year (YYYY) *
Personal or Student Email *
Do you want your transcript sent after graduation (with your final grades for Trimester 3)? *
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