The form will be open to the public for a long time, which would be reviewed by Nutbox team periodically. We would select and invite the DAO that has real demands of our service to join us and get the rewards.
To get complete rewards, here are some important notes for you:
components for 500u rewards:

50U for completing governance function,

150U for completing Token & Staking section

If staking TVL reaches 50k U you will get 100U; TVL 100k U  get 100U; TVL 100k U get 200U.

(notes: TVL MUST Snapshot for 1 month)
what is your DAO's name? *
Please give a brief introduction about your DAO *
How many followers do you have on Twitter? and please leave your official Twitter account down below. *
How many members do you have on Discord? and please leave your discord link down below. *
Do you have needs for governance? *
Do you have needs of initialing your own token? *
Do you have needs of setting your own token staking to incent your members? *
Please leave your email down below *
Please leave your telegram down below *
Notīrīt veidlapu
Nekad neiesniedziet paroles, izmantojot Google veidlapas.