#Resolved2017: Wall of Resolutions
In a time of political change in the U.S., many people are wondering about the way forward for the country and what they can do to be a part of that (like, be the change you want to see).

So, we at KQED are turning the question to YOU as a different kind of New Year's resolution -- a political one -- for 2017. That could be “engage in polite political debate with my cousin” or “join a grassroots group that supports freedom of speech” or "commit an act of resistance every day."

You can see other resolutions here -- https://ww2.kqed.org/news/2016/12/22/resolved2017-wall-of-resolutions/ -- to give you more ideas.

Want to join the Wall of Resolutions? Fill out the form below, and we'll make your Post-it and let you know when it's up. We'll also be in touch with some respondents to follow your progress! (Hint, hint: We all need a little help sticking to our resolutions.)

Changing the world, one Post-it, one resolution at a time.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Fill in the blank. My 2017 political resolution:        
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