Xoogler.co - Xooglers & Googlers helping ex-Google employees
We are a group of over 30,000 Xooglers and current Googlers who are passionate about helping the Xoogler community. We started with the entrepreneurship community via different avenues such as startup mentorship, fundraising feedback, co-founder matching and running demo days but due to other community leaders we've expanded our programs around the world organized by volunteer leaders. You can review the 300+ events we organize in our latest newsletter

If you are a Xoogler or Googler please answer a few questions so we can start engaging and adding you to our community. We will add you to the Xoogler newsletter that we send once a month (via substack) and the Xoogler Slack after you've registered. 

Please also reach out if you're not a Xoogler or Googler but would like to collaborate or find out more information about our group. Please fill in this form or contact Chris Fong (linkedin.com/in/cfong).

Please review our website at Xoogler.co and also our AngelList profile. We've invested in over 100 startups via our syndicate and venture fund

You can read about our past activities via these summaries: 2021, 2017 and 2016.

News articles on the community: ReutersWall Street Journal, CNBC, Bloomberg and The Information
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What is your name? *
Please enter your first and last name.
Are you a Xoogler or Googler? *
What date did you start at Google? *
What date did you stop working at Google if you are a Xoogler?
What team/s were you or are you on? *
Please be as explicit as possible so we can match you up with others that could find your domain expertise helpful. Please add other expertise you may have or add your LinkedIn, StackExchange, other profiles or personal website
What is your location?
Country and City. Please enter more than one if you are usually in more than one location on a regular basis
What is your personal email? *
What is or was your LDAP? *
This will help confirm that you are a Googler/Xoogler
How do you want to be involved? *
What are your areas of interest, other ideas or expectations for this group?
How much you want to be involved?
Please share your interest level and how much time you can give
Do you know other Googlers or Xooglers who should be informed about this?
Please enter their name and email
What is your LinkedIn?
Were you recently laid off by Google/Alphabet or another company and want to be added to the programs and community to assist with your transition?
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