Sport and physical activities you engage in on a weekly basis (minimum twice a week) *
Heaviest weight you can lift unaided* *
Give a brief description of your prior experience as a fishing guide. Also state any experience you have teaching - whether it is a sport, subject, language or etc. State N.A. if you have neither. *
Your answer
Rate your comfort level with young children (aged 6 and above) *
Can tolerate them but not a fan
Loves children and are willing to engage in conversation with them
Rate your comfort level with elderly (aged 65 and above)* *
Can tolerate them but not a fan
Loves engaging in conversation with them and able to speak dialects to engage them
What are the most challenging moments when you started out fishing and how would you apply this in your capacity as a guide to teach other people? *
Your answer
In 500 words or less, explain why you would like to be a fishing guide, and what do you hope to gain from this experience.
Your answer
What do you think should be your highest priority when you are at sea and when you are back on land? And what would you do in a case where you are not able to meet these priorities? *
Your answer
Have you ever been employed or is currently employed, or applied for a position by kayak fishing companies or boat fishing charters? *